Our two youngest grandsons, age 11 each, both went to the Methodist Church Camp, located in the foothills of the Great Smokey mountains, about 20 miles from where we lived. This was the first time camping experience or both city boys, and I'm sure they were both nervous about spending 5 days away from their families with a bunch of kids they didn't know. But they were brave about it. One child just took his sleeping bag and one suitcase with a clean pair of clothes for each day, extra shoes, 2 sets of sleepwear one washcloth and one towel. The other boy took 5 large ziplock bags with 2 sets of clothes for each day (wise mom) 2 pairs of sneakers and 2 pairs of water shoes 2 wash clothes and 2 large bath towels and one large pool towel - PLUS his "Bear" that he sleeps with. Now this kid was prepared! Unfortunately, the first boy ran out of dry clothes and had to wear his jacket for a shirt one day and just about roasted in it! It's really been hot here, in the 90's all week long. Apparently they had a really good time, except for the night that they hiked up into the woods, carrying their sleeping bags and supplies and cooked supper over the fire and then slept in the woods all night. They got very little sleep because of the bugs, the rain, and the heat. But they lived through it, and are tougher for it. Sleep-away camp is a great experience for any kid, I think. It lets him or her know that they can have a good time despite no TV, iPhones or Game Boys. You can actually have a good time outdoors hiking, swimming, canoeing, and getting to know people different than you. I went to camp, my sister went to camp, both of our daughters went to camp, and now three of our grandchildren have been to camp. So far, our one grandsughter has been the hold-out. Maybe she'll decide to go next year.
I'm out of my walking boot now and have returned to my normal activities. This broken ankle has been a rough experience because of the prolonged inability to be on my feet. I've learned a lot, and I will never described this injury as "just a broken ankle". The recovery is long and painful, and I still walk with a limp, which I hate! But I have been able to continue crafting!
The writer speaks of the common occurences in the life of anyone who scrapbooks regularly and finds that she (or he) has spent more on scrapbooking tools than on food for the family. There are musings about a hobby that creates a mess wherever you work at it, and as long as there are unscrapped photographs anywhere in the house, it never ends. And there are always new and wonderful products coming out that one HAS to have!
About Me
- Judy G.
- I was raised in South Florida back in the years when it was a peaceful and wonderfully safe place to live. We lived a mile from the beach and could ride our bikes over the intercoastal bridge right to the best beach around. All my years of growing up I was a competitive swimmer and belonged to AAU. I granduated from Florida State University with a BS degree in nursing. I am recently retired but I'm thinking of going back to work to support my hobbies.
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