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About Me

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I was raised in South Florida back in the years when it was a peaceful and wonderfully safe place to live. We lived a mile from the beach and could ride our bikes over the intercoastal bridge right to the best beach around. All my years of growing up I was a competitive swimmer and belonged to AAU. I granduated from Florida State University with a BS degree in nursing. I am recently retired but I'm thinking of going back to work to support my hobbies.

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Monday, June 27, 2016


The week-end passed quickly, with a lot of mess and commotion in our house - 3 of our 4 grandchildren, a daughter and her spouse, and the arrival from Florida of my brother and sister.  My sister does own her own place up here, though, so they were just at our house for mealtimes.  First of all, we had to pick up our two campers on Friday afternoon.  They came home tan, tired, and with a plastic bag full of dirty, damp clothes.  According to them, the food at camp was good, and they had a ball, but they hated the one night they had to spend the night camped out in the woods.  It rained, and their sleeping bags got wet, even though they had tarps over the raised wooden platform.  Also, supper had to be cooked on the fire, and the counselor had forgotten the aluminum foil (which he had to go back and get), making supper very late.  To top it off, the bugs ate them up!  Other than that one night, though, they had a ball.  This week-end I spent the whole time cooking, shopping, cleaning up after everyone, and doing LOTS of laundry!  Only one boy had to sleep on an inflatable at night, because Benjamin, our 17 year old grandson, opted out of coming this week-end.  Spending three days with all of us just isn't his thing anymore.  How soon they forget the good old times with Grammy and Papaw!  He was our one and only grandson for 6 years, and we totally doted on him.

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