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About Me

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I was raised in South Florida back in the years when it was a peaceful and wonderfully safe place to live. We lived a mile from the beach and could ride our bikes over the intercoastal bridge right to the best beach around. All my years of growing up I was a competitive swimmer and belonged to AAU. I granduated from Florida State University with a BS degree in nursing. I am recently retired but I'm thinking of going back to work to support my hobbies.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014


I must confess that these winter days have gotten me down.  Here in Teneessee we don't usually have such miserable, depressing, cold days, but this winter has been the exception.  I have had 2 bad colds withing the past month, which have slowed me down considerably.  My husband and I have spent many a day recently sitting in our living room in our lounge chairs doing nothing but watching
TV all day and evening long.  Thanks goodness daylight savings time starts this week-end.  At least it won't be getting dark so early after that. 

On a bright note, I did get in on the HSN launch of the new Cricut Explore.  I got it last week, but I haven't done anything with it yet.  I've been spending a lot of time on You Tube watching tutorials, so that I'll know how to work it when I do finally get up the nerve to turn the thing on.  Then I will finally get around to making some more videos.  My craftroom is in fairly good shape now, and I have a new table, so I have no excuse.  Please stay with me, and I hope to get back to my old self again.


  1. Can't wait to see more of your work on you tube every night I check to see if there is something I love the way u explain ur tutorials so relaxing a scrapper here

  2. Hi, Jacqueline, I'm so sorry that I've let everyone down in the video department. It's just the winter doldrums, I guess. I did get my new Cricut Explore, so I'll try to do a short video of the card I made with it. This machine is so easy to do. I love it. Keep watching, I promise I'll do more soon. Judy
