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About Me

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I was raised in South Florida back in the years when it was a peaceful and wonderfully safe place to live. We lived a mile from the beach and could ride our bikes over the intercoastal bridge right to the best beach around. All my years of growing up I was a competitive swimmer and belonged to AAU. I granduated from Florida State University with a BS degree in nursing. I am recently retired but I'm thinking of going back to work to support my hobbies.

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Sunday, June 30, 2013


Today is my last day in Florida, and it has been very relaxing, considering the fact that our daughter's family has just bought a new puppy that they are trying to housebreak.  He's 3 month's old now, so he's coming along pretty well.  His name is Watson, and his a mixture of Maltese and Toy Poodle - really cute- and smart too.

However, I must get to the point of tonight's blog.  I just read a bunch of articles on people's secret passions, so I got to thinking about mine.  Everyone knows I am passionate about papercrafting and scrapbooking, but not many people, other than my husband, know that I am passionate about the TV series "Dexter" on Showtime.  The last season (season 8) is going to start on June 30th, and all summer they have been showing 4 episodes of "Dexter" back to back every Friday night, starting with Season 1, episode 1.  And I have seen every one of them!  In case you don't know, Dexter is a serial killer, who happens to work as a blood splatter analyst for the City of Miami Police Dept., where his adopted sister Debra works also.  Dexter is a good serial killer, in that he only kills the bad guys who deserve it - the ones who have gotten away with their crimes.  Dexter lives by a "Code" and makes sure that the "perps" are truly guilty, and once he is sure, he wraps them in plastic and does away with them,  and then dumps them in the Atlantic Gulfstream, so their bodies will float northwards towards the Jersey Shore, or something like that.  Sounds like gory stuff, doesn't it?  It's not really.  The blood and gore is mostly absent, the storylines are great, and sometimes even humorous, and the main character is played by Michael C. Hall, who himself has been battling Hodgkin's lymphoma off and on between seasons.  He's a great actor, and I hope that he has defeated this disease once and for all.  I have enjoyed 7 seasons of this show, and I am sorry that the 8th one will be the last!  Unfortunately Dexter can't continue to get away with what he does forever.

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