I haven't blogged since last week. This past Friday's senseless tragedy has affected all of us so much, so tonight I feel that I can write some about it. When things like this occur, so many tend to ask "How could God allow this to happen?". In fact, I asked it myself - I'm the grandmother of three elementary -aged children, and all I could think of was what those families were going through.
But today I read an article in our local newspaper that really helped me to put this question in perspective. This newspaper article was written by Steve Wildsmith, a father of a young child, who writes a daily article in our local paper, The Maryville Times. What he wrote today brought me some understanding. I hope it helps some of you too: "What do I know? Not much. But here's what I believe. That God received those babies into whatever awaits us after this time. That he grieves with us. And that anyone who says such a shooting is His will has a very different understanding of God than I.
I do not, for a second, believe it was God's will for a man to walk into a school and kill innocent children. The God I believe in bestowed His greatest gift upon us, as human beings: Free will. It is the part of our nature that separates us from animals - we don't live our lives driven by pure instinct. We have choices in everything that we do. And, with that gift comes responsibility of choosing wisely, because God doesn't step in to intervene once the consequences of our choices are set in motion."
These were wise words, I thought, and I'm passing them along to all of you who read my blog in hopes that it will bring you some insight. We won't have peace about it for a long time, but maybe we understand just a little bit more. Stay safe with much love to all.
The writer speaks of the common occurences in the life of anyone who scrapbooks regularly and finds that she (or he) has spent more on scrapbooking tools than on food for the family. There are musings about a hobby that creates a mess wherever you work at it, and as long as there are unscrapped photographs anywhere in the house, it never ends. And there are always new and wonderful products coming out that one HAS to have!
About Me
- Judy G.
- I was raised in South Florida back in the years when it was a peaceful and wonderfully safe place to live. We lived a mile from the beach and could ride our bikes over the intercoastal bridge right to the best beach around. All my years of growing up I was a competitive swimmer and belonged to AAU. I granduated from Florida State University with a BS degree in nursing. I am recently retired but I'm thinking of going back to work to support my hobbies.
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